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Glial cell adhesion molecule


GlialCAM is a potential autoantigen of interest in the pathogenesis of mulitiple sclerosis identified through cross reactivity with the EBV-related antigen EBNA-1 in the CNS. B cell receptor sequencing analysis from the MS CNS revealed an autoantibody binding EBNA1 as well as GlialCAM with evidence of somatic hypermutation within the CNS. Examination of other cohorts of MS confirmed the presence of anti-GlialCAM antibodies. Mouse models suggest a contribution to CNS immunopathology. These findings suggest molecular mimicry between EBNA1 and host GlialCAM contributes to the development of MS.

Mechanism of action

Proposed mechanism is molecular mimecry between Epstein Barr virus related antigen EBNA1 and CNS-expressed GlialCAM.

Associated clinical features

  • Multiple sclerosis

Associated neoplasia

Nil known

Laboratory method

Preclinical studies only to date.

Notes of performance characteristics

Not applicable


Not applicable

Next steps

  1. Lanz, T.V., Brewer, R.C., Ho, P.P. et al. Clonally expanded B cells in multiple sclerosis bind EBV EBNA1 and GlialCAM. Nature (2022). 

Last update: 2022-03-29
Created: 2022-03-08